Sunday, October 24, 2010

Surprise, Surprise!

Rachel was unwell during the final Grand Prix day of the Ottawa Capital Classic (see previous post) and spent the next 3 days in bed.  She finally dragged herself out of bed and prepared for Halton Place and the Emerging Rider class which she was hoping to place in.  She did place but not high enough to be the "Emerging Rider" champion. 

About 3 weeks later she was again very ill with a severe sore throat, fever, body aches, etc. etc.  Off to the family doctor who prescibed an antibotic for the nasty throat and bloodwork for an atypical case of Mononucleosis.  Lo and behold, guess who had Mono!  She probably had it during the final week of the Capital Classic and this was a rebound because she didn't rest in the interm.  Because of the spleen enlargement there's been no riding for 5 weeks, (maybe a little bit late to worry about this but....) ultrasound on Tuesday and here's hoping everything is back to normal so she can get back in the saddle again.

While she was home, feeling truly awful,  a package was delivered by Canada Post.  Even though she wasn't able to compete on the Mini Prix day, she had accumulated enough points over the 2 weeks to emerge as the 1.0M Champion at the Ottawa Capital Classic.  What a nice surprise when you're feeling really low....thank you to Anna Mees for allowing Rachel the opportunity to show Gracious Me!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Best Laid Plans....

The second week of the CSI** NATIONAL TOURNAMENT, AUGUST 18-22, 2010 got off to a great start with Rachel bringing back Gracie for the 1.0M Circuit Championship, some schooling rounds in the 1.10M classes and also Stormy for a 1.20M class and Mini-Prix.    Unfortunately,  by Friday, Rachel was starting to feel unwell with a severe sore throat and headache. A look at her throat on Friday night revealed a gruesome sight which we suspected to be tonsilitis or Strep.  Unwilling to give up the rides on Saturday, she decided to tough it out and go to the walk-in clinic immediately after.

Morgan, Rachel, Anna
Morgan Mees (future jockey) , Rachel & Gracie, Anna Mees (Owner & current jockey)

Her first ride of the day was in the 1.0M Speed Class with "Gracious Me".  First in the ring, they had one rail but set a blistering pace for the 32 riders that followed.  With one rail they still managed to finish in the ribbons with a 6th place.

1.0M Speed Class - Gracious Me

Meanwhile, Stormy was patiently waiting for his turn at ringside with his grooms (Steph & Tricia) and Rachel's 3rd mount was being warmed up on the flat.

The Grooms - Tricia & Steph. She couldn't have done it without everyone's help!

Off of Gracie and on to Stormy, Rachel went for warm-up. Soon enough the ring was calling her name in the jump order and it was their turn to shine in the Grand Prix ring.  Earlier, during the 1.20M course walk, Rachel & Coach Jeff McKessock crossed paths with Jill Henselwood and her students.  They all benefited from some debate over how to ride the course, with Jill having an extra few words for Rachel. 

1st Jump on Course

Room to spare

Photo by Dad

Final count - 2 rails but a great ride!
From the Grand Prix ring she went back to the Annex ring for the final ride of the day.  Rachel was flattered to be asked to take Granite 3E, "Gidget" around the 1.0M course. A beautiful scopey mare, she's previously been ridden by a professional.  Since coming to Westar, she's realized its no longer a professional on her back and she likes to jump a course - her way..... Rachel loves her! So very talented and so much potential for her new owner.

Granite 3E - "Gidget"

Beautiful & Scopey!
By the time Rachel finished all 3 rides she was finished herself. Congratulations all round, thanks to the owners for allowing her the rides, we picked up her things and headed for the car to go to the walk in clinic. Along the way, we met with Jill Henselwood and talked about Rachel's ride in the 1.20M and what the future might hold. I totally embarassed Rachel by asking Jill for a photo !

Jill & Rachel
Jill Henselwood and Rachel

A 2 1/2hr wait at the clinic (I waited inside, Rachel slept in the car outside) with the diagnosis of a very badly infected tonsil with the risk of abscess. No riding for minimum 48hrs, large dose of antibiotics and tylenol 3 for pain. Rachel didn't want to scratch from Gracie's classes today until she woke up Sunday morning, after all, there was still the potential for that Circuit Championship.

Today finds Rachel still in bed with the covers to her chin. No riding and greatly disappointed but totally incapable of the ride. Hopefully she'll be feeling far better in a couple of days and will be ready for the Canadian Country Classic in Halton Hills.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gracious Me - Part II

This week and next,  is the National Capital Show Jumping Tournaments, organized and run by Hayes Co. The Hayes family is determined to bring great show jumping to exhibitors, spectators, and sponsors alike and its a privilege to have this caliber of competition right in our own backyard.  Unfortunately, Stormy was not fit enough (long recovery from an abscess),  to be there this week. Rachel has been fortunate to obtain the services of another horse in the barn.  "Gracious Me", is owned by Anna Mees and very generously loaned to Rachel for the show. 

Rachel 6
7th - 1.0M Jr/Am

Rachel 3
6th - 1.0M Jr/Am

Rachel 5
Gracious Me - Gracie

Today was the 1.0M Jr/Am Mini Prix which was suppose to start at 8:00am but due to stormy weather, was delayed until 9:00am. Gracie and Rachel toughed out the rain and placed 1st which made them the 1.0M Jr/Am Champions! Total ribbon count for the week, 2nd, 7th, 6th, 1st and Champion.  A repeat performance from Beaulieu's Summer Classic and a nice gift for Rachel's 21st birthday!  Again, myself, her father or Gracie's owner could not be there to witness the final round.  I'm starting to think we should always stay away but I do hope someone got a picture!

Next week, we hope Anna will allow Rachel to bring Gracie back again so that they may compete for the 1.0M Jr/Am Circuit Championship.  Stormy will be there to compete in a couple of the 1.20M classes, which allows a shortened schedule for him and increases his fitness level for the Canadian Country Classic at Halton Hills, August 25th - 29th.  There they'll be vying for the Emerging Rider Champion title.

Gracious Me - Part I

Beaulieu's Summer Classic II, was held from June 23 - 27th, 2010.  Stormy had recently been diagnosed with an abscess and while waiting for it to heal we had to scratch his entry from Beaulieu. 

Anna Mees, the owner of "Gracious Me" allowed Rachel to take "Gracie" to Beaulieu as she had her heart set on going.  Rachel has ridden Gracie in the Westar Silver Trillium shows and rides Gracie for Anna when the need arises. 

Gracie had never been exposed to this caliber of show before, competing on our Trillium Bronze Circuit with Anna and occasionally with Rachel in the Child/Adult Jumper on the Trillium Silver Circuit. A little bit overwhelmed at first she soon found her groove and started to consider herself a Grand Prix horse! She knows how to strut!

The team did extremely well with a 7th, 1st, 1st and Champion of the 1.0M Jr/Am. They then went on to place 8th in the 1.0M Speed Derby! A beautiful trophy and ribbons came home with Gracie to give to her "mom".  We all received this picture attached to a text message as neither myself, her father or Gracie's owner could be there to witness the fun!

1.0M Jr/Am Champion

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Spotted Horse - "Nash"

Nash (yearling) & Nugget the Pony

Several years ago, Rachel was riding out of Stevens Creek Farm and was coached by Teddie Laframboise.  While there, she was lucky enough to witness the birth of several babies.  One of the first was a lovely paint colt sired by Tricolore (KPWN) x Mistrale a TB mare.  Wonderful temperament from the time his tiny hooves hit the ground he was and still is a favourite at the farm.

Just recently, Rachel was given the opportunity to revisit Stevens Creek and work on schooling the 5yr old paint.  Honored to be asked, she's loving the ride.  Look what a difference 5yrs can make!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


One of the responsibilities of being an older and more experienced rider,  is the mentoring of young riders just starting out.  If you're an eager participant Rachel will encourage and praise and perhaps offer a suggestion or two....

Rachel and Mini-Me, aka Makayla

Makayla and her pony went to their first "A" show at Pepiniere but the girls schedules overlapped and I wasn't able to get any pictures.  In Blainville I was able to catch some of the Medium Pony classes with Makayla aboard "Huggs & Kisses".

This picture cracks me up :-) To this day, Rachel will stick her tongue out the side of her mouth when she's really concentrating on a jump!  We don't call Makayla Mini-Me for no reason!

Praise and encouragement from coach,  Jeff McKessock

Blainville 2010

After a month off to draw out and heal an abscess the team was ready to get back to work.  A little bit rusty to start, horse and rider soon found their groove and had an excellent showing over the 3 days.

Clear round - 1.2M Jr/Am

4th 1.2M Jr/Am Speed

Friends from Westar

2nd - 1.2M Jr/Am Mini Prix

2nd - 1.2M Jr/Am Mini Prix

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pepiniere Spring Horse Show

Finally! The season has started once again with the first competition for Rachel & Stormy at the beautiful Pépinière Stables, St-Lazare, Quebec.
Entered in classes #110 Adequan Metre 1.20 - Jr Am, #111 Adequan Metre 1.20-Jr/Am speed, $1000 Jump Canada Emerging Rider presented by Stalls Etc, #127 M1.20 Hit and Hurry and #112 Adequan Metre 1.20 - Jr/Am Mini Prix. 

The team had a fabulous showing with 1 rail in class #110 Adequan Metre 1.20 Jr/Am

2nd - 1.20M Jr/Am Speed
4th 1.20M Hit & Hurry
8th - 1.20M Jr/Am Mini Prix

1st Jump Canada Emerging Rider

The Jump Canada Emerging Rider series is a new class offered this year. It is a jumper series open to all ages with fence heights between 1.15m and 1.20m.


2.1 Riders must be Gold or Platinum EC Sport License holders.

2.2 Open to all riders who have never competed in the JC Talent Squad Series or the North American Junior and

Young Riders Championships in either division.

2.3 There is no age limit for the rider.


3.1 Open to all Horses.


4.1 Minimum height – 1.15m; Maximum height – 1.20m; Maximum width – 1.30m

4.2 All classes must be run under FEI 238.2.2. Immediate jump off is permissible.

4.3 Course designers should be encouraged to build a course to include a Liverpool and a triple combination.

4.4 This is to be a stand alone class and not to be combined with any other class or division at the horse show


􀂃 Points for each class will be awarded based on the number of entries in a class.

􀂃 Points to maximum of 15 entries per class

􀂃 Any horse and rider being eliminated in the first round is not eligible for points


7.1 The winner of each of the regions will receive a Jump Canada jacket, horse cooler and saddle pad. In the case of a tie in points earned for the Regional champion, the Committee will conduct a draw to break the tie.

7.2 Each Regional winner will also be invited to come to the first weekend of the RAWF (the “Canadian” weekend): attend the show as a spectator, walk the courses with the High Performance chair or a CET team member and attend the TS Seminar. Airfare, if necessary, and 3 nights’ accommodation plus entrance to the Royal Horse Show will be provided by Jump Canada. 

Can you guess which class she'll be entered in at every available show?