Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Spotted Horse - "Nash"

Nash (yearling) & Nugget the Pony

Several years ago, Rachel was riding out of Stevens Creek Farm and was coached by Teddie Laframboise.  While there, she was lucky enough to witness the birth of several babies.  One of the first was a lovely paint colt sired by Tricolore (KPWN) x Mistrale a TB mare.  Wonderful temperament from the time his tiny hooves hit the ground he was and still is a favourite at the farm.

Just recently, Rachel was given the opportunity to revisit Stevens Creek and work on schooling the 5yr old paint.  Honored to be asked, she's loving the ride.  Look what a difference 5yrs can make!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


One of the responsibilities of being an older and more experienced rider,  is the mentoring of young riders just starting out.  If you're an eager participant Rachel will encourage and praise and perhaps offer a suggestion or two....

Rachel and Mini-Me, aka Makayla

Makayla and her pony went to their first "A" show at Pepiniere but the girls schedules overlapped and I wasn't able to get any pictures.  In Blainville I was able to catch some of the Medium Pony classes with Makayla aboard "Huggs & Kisses".

This picture cracks me up :-) To this day, Rachel will stick her tongue out the side of her mouth when she's really concentrating on a jump!  We don't call Makayla Mini-Me for no reason!

Praise and encouragement from coach,  Jeff McKessock

Blainville 2010

After a month off to draw out and heal an abscess the team was ready to get back to work.  A little bit rusty to start, horse and rider soon found their groove and had an excellent showing over the 3 days.

Clear round - 1.2M Jr/Am

4th 1.2M Jr/Am Speed

Friends from Westar

2nd - 1.2M Jr/Am Mini Prix

2nd - 1.2M Jr/Am Mini Prix