Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ride Em Cowgirl!

After 8 weeks of stall rest, Stormy is finally getting regular rides but just at the walk & trot.  He still hasn't been turned out and won't be,  until Rachel can ride him at the trot without all the drama he's been displaying.  He'll be turned out in the indoor arena first, where someone can keep an eye on him. Tendon boots and a small dose of tranquilizer will make it a safer adjustment to all that freedom.

His knee is totally sound but he's a wee bit stiff  from spending all that time in his stall.  Coach and rider are working him back into his regular routine slowly.  Currently he spends most of his time at the trot, crow hopping, shaking his head, bucking and generally being very sassy.  Rachel spends most of her time laughing at his antics and hanging on!

I caught him misbehaving in a couple of shots but since we were indoors the quality is not the best.  Rachel wouldn't allow me to use the flash....hmmm, I wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmmmm ... seems to me you might as well have used the flash ... he probably wouldn't have noticed it, he was having too much fun all by himself! :)
